MobHits.com Satisfaction Guarantee
You can have complete confidence that your order will be handled with care. We stand behind every item that we sell, and if you are not completely satisfied - for any reason at any time - we will promptly refund or exchange merchandise, whichever YOU prefer. All you need to do is email us at orders@mobhits.com. Please see the returns section above for more information on returns.
You may return any unused item(s) within 30 days for an exchange or a full refund. Authorization is needed, and an email to dfritz@optonline.net may help you avoid an unnecessary return. Try to use the original carton and pack the merchandise securely. Enclose the invoice with a brief explanation for the return/exchange. Ship the package prepaid via UPS or insured Parcel Post. We do not accept return merchandise shipped COD.
A 20% restocking fee applies on all returns.
Thank you for your patronage.